Health, Sport & Activities

At Oratia we offer many different sporting opportunities for the children at the school. These can be grouped into competitive sport and playtime sport. Click on the buttons below to find out more. 

Oratia District School Health Curriculum Statement:

Health Education at Oratia District School aligns with our vision to develop confident, connected learners who make a positive difference. Through the teaching of health at Oratia students will get the opportunity to develop the school values of:

1. Respect - Whakaute

2. Risk taking - Haepapa

3. Resilience - Tūwhitia te hopo

4. Responsibility - Aumangea

5. Reflection - Whakaaroaro

Oratia District School teachers use a range of integrated and discrete teaching and learning opportunities to help students develop the knowledge, skills and attitudes they need to embody our values. In addition to this, programmes are supported and delivered by external agencies within the safe school and classroom contexts.

Health Education at Oratia District School: 

Health education is delivered at Oratia District School. Our aim is for students to: 

Units of learning are designed with these goals in mind. 

In addition to having health integrated into learning units, health is also catered for in other contexts. For example, 

1. Relationships

2. Puberty (for Year 5 and 6, taught by an outside provider),